Abbey McCormack

My Latest Work

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Academic Research

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Esther Stevens: A Legacy of Faith

The following is a case study of a 63-year-old married mother of two regarding the aging process and experiences. The subject is also a spouse of an active-duty US Navy Commander. Ageism is discussed as well as societal pressures which affect the perception of the aging process. Perceptions of physical deterioration, weakening of the mind, and outward appearance are discussed. The subject of the study discusses life events that are significant to her while referring to her faith as a sustaining influence in her life. Events such as child-rearing, marriage, deployments, and social relationships are discussed through this lens. Results from this case study indicate that authentic faith can outweigh the pressures and stereotypes put on the aging population by greater society.
Photo by Tara Winstead on Pexels

Autism and Anxiety in the Classroom

It is well documented that Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are often comorbid conditions, but it is not well-known amongst educators and parents of children diagnosed on the autism spectrum. The cause of ASD is still undetermined; therefore, possible genetic and environmental factors will be presented. Differences in the expression of anxiety based on age will also be discussed. This literature review discusses the current treatment options for children in both classroom and home settings that struggle with these conditions. It might be determined if expressions of anxiety might be minimized by specific interventions or treatment options as children enter social independence and adolescence by analyzing existing research. Another focus of this research paper is to determine the outcomes of current treatment methods. Finally, educator awareness of comorbidities and their correlation with more prosocial behaviors in the classroom will be presented.
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Parenting Style and Academic Achievement in Children

A myriad of research exists supporting different parenting styles and their correlation with academic achievement; however, most of these studies focus on Western social norms rather than the global community as a whole. This assignment endeavors to review the available literature on parenting styles and academic achievement in children concerning different cultures and social norms. The empirical evidence review reveals that parental involvement is a strong indicator of student success or failure depending on the specific parenting style, but cultural outliers exist. Overall, the authoritative parenting style strongly correlates with high academic achievement across various cultures and contexts. Exceptions to the authoritarian parenting and high academic achievement trend overwhelmingly represent differences in cultural norms in Asian societies. This phenomenon will also be discussed. Further research into cultural influences on parenting style is warranted.
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Treatment for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)

This literature review examines treatment options developed for those affected by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). Three peer-reviewed articles explore the question. Schauss et al. (2019) found that integrating social, interpersonal, and biological methods, a model for a holistic treatment for the psychological effects of ACEs, show promising outcomes. Burkey, Ali, Hobson, Despins, and Sze (2020) explore how medical doctors can be integral in mitigating and preventing the ACEs’ physical effects. The study finds that by integrating trauma-informed practices and educating caregivers about childhood trauma prevention, the effects of ACEs are minimized or, in some cases, avoided. Thompson and Kaufman’s (2019) research discerns that although psychological and physical treatment options have advanced, the deeper, more systemic causes of ACEs warrant further action. Their study asserts that systemic change is needed at the national level to address the factors that cause the environmental factors for ACEs to occur. Overall findings suggest that there are good treatment options in specific fields of study, but a more holistic approach to treatment and societal change is needed.
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Multicultural Therapy: A Japanese Perspective

In today’s multicultural world, marriage and family therapists are confronted with many cultural subtleties, which helping professionals need to understand in order to assist the client. Many of the therapeutic approaches used today were developed in the Western hemisphere and are less effective in helping clients of Eastern descent. This literature review discusses differences between Japanese cultural and familial influences and those found in the Western cultures asking, which therapeutic approaches and tools are most effective for Western therapists seeking to assist Japanese clients? Japanese cultural values, family dynamics, and social influences are discussed in the context of Western therapeutic approaches, including the application of Asai and Olson’s (2004) PREmarital Personal and Relationship Evaluation (PREPARE) Inventory, McGoldrick and Carter’s (2001) technique of family therapy for the individual and Adlerian therapeutic approaches. Implications of this research may include higher efficacy for therapists assisting Japanese clients, families, and couples seeking marriage counseling.
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

The Function of Dreaming: Perspectives from Neuroscience

Dreaming is a phenomenon that is shared by all of humanity and is fully understood by no one. Historically, the function of dreaming has been defined as philosophical or religious, although there is no scientific evidence to reinforce these beliefs. In the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, technological advances have given researchers the ability to measure the observable data produced by brain activity during sleep and dreaming. Due to these observable events, researchers have developed multiple, scientifically-based hypotheses to explain the function of dreaming. Three of these perspectives are explored and compared to discern further the currently understood function of dreaming. A discussion of the activation-synthesis hypothesis, neurocognitive hypothesis, and emotional regulation hypothesis are included. Also included are an explanation of the observable data and neurological implications of each study. Future implications of this research include possible dream intervention in the case of night terrors or post-traumatic stress disorder.
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Explaining the Anomalies: Parenting Style and Academic Achievement in Latinx and Chinese Families

The authoritative parenting style's superiority has been well documented. In opposition to the other parenting types, the authoritative parenting type showed increased academic achievement in children as well as a healthier idea of self-concept on behalf of the child. As this hypothesis was retested, there arose an anomaly in Asian and Latinx families; authoritarianparenting style correlated with academic success in these cases. This study endeavors to recreate these results in three different cultural contexts: American, Latinx, and Chinese; in an effort to ascertain the explanation as to why these cultures are the exception to the rule. The study hypothesizes that the majority of the Chinese and Latinx parenting pairs will identify as authoritarian parenting style while showing a moderate to strong positive correlation with academic success of their children. Families with results matching the previously discovered anomalies will be interviewed in an effort to determine the cause of the incongruity.
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Philosophy of Psychology: Adlerian Therapy

Adlerian therapeutic approaches are discussed in the context of the author’s philosophy of psychology. Citing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) as a significant part of her early childhood, the author acknowledges a sense of control over her life in opposition to deterministic psychological philosophies. Expressing a kindred belief, the author names Adlerian therapy as the choice approach moving forward in her career. A brief history of Alfred Adler is discussed and specific aspects of the Adlerian therapeutic approach such as the importance of the therapeutic relationship, early childhood experiences, birth order, and family constellation. The application of the Adlerian therapeutic approach is also discussed. Finally, the four phases of Adlerian therapy are summarized, and the importance of authenticity, encouragement, and reorientation is discussed in the therapeutic relationship.